
Hello! Big huge news! I have officially moved over my project from college into Neocities! Looking back, my love for HTML really sparked in this class and it shows. I still cannot believe I turned this in as a final for my class. Its so funny and disturbing but I don't think I could have turned anything else in and felt happy or accomplished. I hope I continue to make websites and perserve myself digitally. I think its a really profound thing honestly. One day I may be dead, but I will live on through lines of HTML and blinkies. I need to remember to add in our newest game obsession: Escape The Dark Castle. We bought all the expansion packs and the collectors edition box. We decided to splurge for our 6 year anniversary, I think its okay to buy stuff as long as it makes you truly happy and you aren't currently in crippling debt lol. Anyways! Tomorrow is Friday, hopefully a good day! - MAGS


Yesterday was my 6 year anniversary with my partner. I am so thankful to have someone like this in my life. Not to be corny but the love I feel is infinite, and ever expanding! Last night I made what she calls "Bunny Dango" (Monster Hunter reference) Basically I make vegan lettuce wraps, rice and stir fry veggies. I then arrange it to look like a little bunny! I will have to post a photo later because its sooo cute. OH I also remembered a really disturbing dream I had the other night. Jade and I were at her parents house and some guy was there (related???) they were being really strange and super aggressive towards us. Eventually, they attacked us and I had no choice but to kill the man. We were both so scared and had no idea what to do so we put the body in a bag before her parents got home and hid it in the closet. Somehow we were able to clean up all the blood. We knew we had to get rid of the body so we took it to a school (WHY??????) in the middle of the night and hid it in the ceiling of one of the buildings (Again... why???). Everything was fine for a few weeks until someone noticed a smell, and visible signs of decay. I remember in the dream feeling really... nervous about it, genuinely like jump off a building nervous. I remember watching the principal open the roof access door and there being a hot big soupy mess. It was like tar and rotten flesh. Then I woke up and cuddled Jade and realized I wasn't going to jail lol. So everything was fine. Anyways!!! Just wanted to share, at least there was a happy ending! Uhhh also I need to write about Escape the Dark Castle its so good. THANKS FOR READING - MAAAAAAAAAAGS


I have added a lot of really cool things today. I figured out how to lay out a grid in CSS. This website is actually starting to look really nice! I know I struggle to find time to work on it, but when I do its a real joy. I think the reason why I could never get behind social media platforms like tumblr or Facebook is I require the ability to customize something down to ever minute detail. Building websites is so perfect for me because I can do just that! Today was a little better than yesterday. I got some well needed rest and we finished Borderlands 2. Here is my character Zero (I named him FuckButtz ingame):

They are so cool, I love weird alien characters! Anyways, time to get some rest! -MAGS


It has been a particularly stressful day :( I wont elaborate but I have had so many panic moments today. I decided to make a little funny thing to cheer me up:

I have also added more stuff to my website, so check it out maybe :)


Happy Friday!! I had sort of a busy week, so I was unable to update on here. I have worked on a little pixel art image I want to use for something, but it is on my work laptop. I will move it over tomorrow probably. I made Grilled Cheese (Vegan OFC) and tomato soup for dinner tonight. It's one of Jade's favorites. I know my song isn't working so I need to fix that too. Maybe I should add a Tech tab to my website? I am learning a lot about fixing computers and maybe it could be of use to some people. I fared well through the hurricane, I am so lucky my house didn't blow away lol. It probably will eventually though. That is constantly on my mind. Anywayysss enough doom and gloom. Jade just asked to play Borderlands so we are going to do that! Yayyyyy! - MAGS


Made some minor changes to the website. I added new dragons! I also added a song me and my partner worked on together. We basically remade the Snuggle Bunny song from Jamster (Ringtone company). We also used an old phone reciever to make a microphone. Its actually so cool. It was all done in one take which I thought was pretty impressive. I am no vocalist by any means but my girlfriend made me sound excellent (as always shes so talented). Anyways thats all I have. Thanksies - MAGS


HEWWO! It has been way too long! I have so much to share, but not a lot of time! I have been working so hard lately at work with trainings and certs! I am not only UBIQITI certified, but I am learning so much about tech. It has been a wild ride and my boss has been so wonderful to me. I am also a workaholic so disappointment is not an option lol. The drive to Tampa is never fun though. Life has been such a flurry of events and I hope to document that soon. I have some new art to post and some zines that are almost finished to post. Looks like the kink magazine is finished up and my friend is taking care of it since I have been so busy. OH! I also got to see Harley Poe live and he signed a book for me. It was such an amazing experience. This October me and my girlfriend will be in Orlando for a concert so that will be fun. Anyways, I am going to see about posting my page from the kink Zine. Lots of stuff is in the works and I am so excited to share! Please check out my partners website located in my cool sites tab! I would appreciate it so much!!!


Happy Tuesday! I have made some adjustments to my website! I am planning on revamping my about me page using the "grid" technique. I am also planning on writing about gas masks since I have been particularly interested in them lately. I have GP-5 gas mask and it is my favorite style of gas mask honestly. I think it is the most iconic and cute looking. When I wear it to the club or around the house it brings me so much joy! I love being a little masked weirdo! I also have a collection of regular masks as well. I will probably make a dedicated page for those as well. I wonder what it is about masks that fascinates me so much? Perhaps its the fact they can obscure your identity. I have never been someone with a lot of self-confidence, so having a mask on helps me feel less ostracized for my facial features. Maybe that makes sense or I am just rambling. Anyways, I hope the changes I have made to the website have been translating well over different browsers. I think the index page has grown a lot in the past week so I am just about done tinkering with it. Now just to fill my sidebars lol. Below I have provided a photo of the GP-5 Gas mask. I do not own the filter as those have asbestos in them! Very dangerous!


Good evening~ ! Friends are over for a matrix movie night! We are drinking and having fun! We found some cool websites that I may link in my Favsites page. Hopefully I'll get around to posting my poems soon. I think I only have one or two to post but they mean a lot to me. I am also thinking about doing a dream journal on here too. This weekend is memorial weekend so I get a whole 3 days to relax! pretty cool! Me and my friend are also putting out a kink magazine! I will post that here also! Anyways, have a safe and cool night! ~~ Mags


Happy Tuesday!!!! I have done some tinkering on my art page!!! Pretty please check it out???? I am very tired today. Not sure why. And a little stressed out? On days like this my only chance at decompression is a big styrofoam cup of cajun boiled peanuts, or eating the messiest dinner imaginable with my hands. I dont think enough people eat with their hands. It feels really good and I think everyone should eat with their hands at least once a week! To me its like a ritual. First I will prepare the food. In most cases its a carmelized onion burger (both buns are onions). I wash my hands up really good, and I grab MINIMUM 4 napkins. Things get messy. I will put a nice video on the screen (I reccommend slime videos or something stimulating.) And then I eat! Its really helpful to me. I'll get off my soapbox now! SHEESH! Anyways I will do some more updates tomorrow to my art area. Its coming along fine, I just dont really care to learn a whole bunch more about HTML right now. Once I feel less tired I will try to make things a bit nicer lol. See ya!!! - Mags


I hope everyone is having a wonderful amazing beautiful loving Monday! I have arrived home from my fancy office job and I am waiting on tickets to come in that I can complete. I have a lot of inspiration to continue updating the site. The art page is my next victim. I think I am going to try out some CSS hover mechanics for some graphics. I just have to get around to drawing them first! Last night me and Jade found a funny blinkie maker site and we made some funny blinkies. We also saved a lot of funny graphics. When she comes home we may even make her a page! and then I can make a shrine to her :3 anyways, I made some updates to the fav websites pages! I put a close friend on there who is working at learning HTML! here are some things on my computer right now so my entries dont look super boring.


Hello to those just finding my page! I hope you find something that interests you! I have a feeling I am going to be much more active now. Some of my IRL friends have decided to start using neocities! I am so excited that I have finally finished my degree and I also got a job in IT!! I didnt think I could do it but here I am!! I have noticed a huge change in my happiness and I hope things just keep getting better for me. Tomorrow I hope to get some of my art on here. I really enjoy multimedia art and hope to get some tutorials made. Today I discovered a cool technique to make hotglue look like guts! anyways! I am going to finish uploading my art into the proper folders! have an awesome night little wrigglers! maggy out ♡ hehehe


WOW~! It has been a crazy last 9 months! I am finishing up with my schooling and learning a lot! Hopefully I can be on here more to brush up on my HTML. I have completed a few really cool projects in the last month that I hope to upload here! First, I finally learned to solder which was cool. I gave circuit bending a try and had some success! I was able to do vocals for a few songs, and now I am working at my A+! It feels like so much is going on in my life right now and I will try a bit harder to keep this page updated.


HIII HELLO! its been a bit again, I should be on here more now that I finished my finals for one of my classes. Today I was recruited to build a website for one of my parents clients. I am a bit worried about it but I'm sure I can figure it out. They want something more professional so I am going to use wordpress. I have no knowlege of wordpress lmao! other than that I have been trying to have stronger legs so I do SO MANY squats every day. I will update you guys on my progress eventually. OH! I am also seeing 100 gecs this month with my partner! They are taking me out to a fancy vegan restaraunt before we go. We have gone to this place every year on our anniversary (5 years of putting up with me :p) maybe ill post pictures of the food like its instagram. ANYWAYS! HOPE EVERYONE HAS BEEN WELL STAY SAFE AND WIGGLY !!! -MAGGOTSOUP


I made a guestbook!!! If youre feeling chatty sign it and leave your email/discord! I am always looking for new friends :)


Hi guys! its been a bit since I have updated anything significant to my website. I have been extremely busy with all sorts of projects. I guess I will use this space as a update spot for my art as well. Nonetheless, I have been working on classwork and a new line of hyperrealistic art. I am just about done with one of my largest pieces I have ever attempted and I will be adding a tutorial for the process if anyone is interested. I should probably create a guestbook or a chat function. I dont think I have the coding skills for that so I'll outsource it to a different website. Ok thats all for now! I will update the other parts of my website soon! sorry for the janky-ness but I am attempting to code most of my HTML on my own!

I also made the crawling maggot gif on my own! I need to mess with the transparency because I messed it up! More cool custom gifs will be added soon.

This is my very first post made on 3/26/2023 :)

My name is Beetle/Maggot and I am not very good at HTML but I want to be. I am currently studying Cyber Security and I like making grotesque horror art. This website will be for all my fun things I make and do! I am attempting to leave social media for a more customizable platform to better express myself!! Welcome and E-mail me if youre feeling up to it!

An image of maggot wearing a gas mask, about to step on the camera with large black platform boots!

Last Updated: 9/22/2024 :)